Rerfigeration Products
We have a wide range of products at fiercely competitive prices

Upright Display Freezers

For the display of frozen products, AHT display freezers are a popular choice. We recognise that the display of product within the freezer is paramount and therefore work hard to maximise this. Features such as full length internal lighting and heated frost-free glass contribute to maximise the display of your product. For matching chillers, please see the Upright Display Chillers section.

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Scoop Ice Cream Cabinets
AHT scoop Ice Cream cabinets are the result of years of market leading
experience and co-operation with leading Ice Crea...
Scoop Ice Cream Cabinets
Fridge Warehouse
Impulse Display Freezer
A compact and ultra-modern cabinet designed to stimulate impulse purchases.
Impulse Display Freezer
Fridge Warehouse
AHT Ice Cream Cabinet
Ice cream display freezer offering
excellent product visibility.