Call 01254 888108

BIG SAVINGS on refrigeration equipment and refrigeration spare parts.


Additional shelves are available for a range of AHT & Caravell products.

If you have any queries relating to Caravell Accessories, please call 01254 888108.
Top Shelf CPD1250White --Please call
Middle Shelf CPD1250White --Please call
Bottom Shelf CPD1250White --Please call
Top Shelf CPD945White --Please call
Middle Shelf CPD945White --Please call
Bottom Shelf CPD945White --Please call
Shelf Middle CKFWhite --Please call
Shelf CFCWhite --Please call
Shelf Bottom CFCWhite --Please call
Shelf CPP, CFPWhite --Please call
Shelf CCC, CCFWhite --Please call
Shelf CSD, CEBWhite --Please call
Shelf 900White --Please call
Shelf 1250White --Please call
Shelf 1875White --Please call
Shelf 2500White --Please call
Shelf CNF430White --Please call
Shelf CNF500White --Please call
Shelf ChillyS/Steel --Please call
Shelf CBC500White --Please call
Shelf CMS BracketWhite --Please call
Shelf 600FWhite --Please call
Shelf 800FWhite --Please call
Shelf 600GWhite --Please call
Shelf 800GWhite --Please call
Shelf R/H CKFWhite --Please call
Shelf L/H CKFWhite --Please call
ShelfL/H 1100White --Please call
ShelfR/H 1100White --Please call
Shelf Wine 491, 901, 1351S/Steel --Please call
Shelf Wine 601White --Please call
Shelf Wine 267S/Steel --Please call
Shelf Wine 420S/Steel --Please call
Shelf 160S/Steel --Please call
Shelf CCS, CFSPlastic Coated --Please call
Shelf S/Steel CCS, CFSS/Steel --Please call
Shelf CCS, CFS, 572, 1232Plastic Coated --Please call
Shelf CSC-CUFWhite --Please call
Shelf CCC203,303Grey --Please call
Shelves CFPWhite --Please call
Shelf CIF125 SmallWhite --Please call
Shelf CIF125 LargeWhite --Please call
Shelf Wine CBS600S/Steel --Please call
Shelf Wine CBS900S/Steel --Please call
Shelf CBC390/400/401White --Please call
Shelf Gravity CBC400/401White --Please call
Shelf Wine CBC390/400/401White --Please call
Shelf Close Wire CBC600SWhite --Please call
Shelf Close Wire CBC800SWhite --Please call
Shelf Bottle ChillerWhite --Please call
Shelf SBC300, 400White --Please call
Shelf CIF45 LargeWhite --Please call
Shelf CIF45 SmallWhite --Please call
Shelf CIF125 LargeWhite --Please call
Shelf CIF125 SmallWhite --Please call
Shelf CIC125CV SmallWhite --Please call
Shelf CIC125CV LargeWhite--Please call

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Technical Specifications

Name Code Product
AHT product Shelf Middle CKF 833644 CKF Range
AHT product Shelf R/H CKF 833642 CKF Range
AHT product Shelf L/H CKF 833643 CKF Range
AHT product Top Shelf CPD945 FT0127 CPD945
AHT product Middle Shelf CPD945 FT0128 CPD945
AHT product Bottom Shelf CPD945 FT0129 CPD945
AHT product Top Shelf CPD1250 FT0130 CPD1250
AHT product Middle Shelf CPD1250 FT0131 CPD1250
AHT product Bottom Shelf CPD1250 FT0132 CPD1250
AHT product Shelf CFC 4420113361000 CFC 180
AHT product Shelf Bottom CFC 4420113360000 CFC 180
AHT product Shelf CPP, CFP 990026 CPP & CFP202, 302
AHT product Shelf CCS, CFS 990230 CCS Range & CFS Range
AHT product Shelf S/Steel CCS, CFS 990027 CCS Range & CFS Range
AHT product Shelf CCS, CFS, 572, 1232 990037 CCS, CFS, Slimline
AHT product Shelf CSC-CUF 20301 CSC-CUF & CC/FS
AHT product Shelf CCC203,303 XX109 CCC203, 303
AHT product Shelves CFP XX108 CFP100, 200, 300
AHT product Shelf CIC125 Large 117718 CIC125 Large
AHT product Shelf CIC125 Small 117719 CIC125 Small
AHT product Shelf CIC125CV Large 117758 CIC125CV Curved Front Large
AHT product Shelf CIC125CV Small 117752 CIC125CV Curved Front Small
AHT product Shelf CIF125 Small 117754 CIF125 Small
AHT product Shelf CIF125 Large 117753 CIF125 Large
AHT product Shelf CIF45 Small 1.17589 CIF45 Small
AHT product Shelf CIF45 Large 1.17588 CIF45 Large
AHT product Shelf Wine CBS600 EV4714 CBS600 Pre2006
AHT product Shelf Wine CBS900 EV4595 CBS900 Pre2006
AHT product Shelf CBC390/400/401 765208-CA CBC390, 400, 401
AHT product Shelf Gravity CBC400/401 765087 CBC400, 401
AHT product Shelf Wine CBC390/400/401 765229-CA CBC390, 400, 401
AHT product Shelf SBC300, 400 XX137 SBC300, 400
AHT product Shelf Close Wire CBC600S 765203 CBC600S
AHT product Shelf Close Wire CBC800S 765204 CBC800S
AHT product Shelf Bottle Chiller 280412 CSC390, CSC407, CBC390, CBC400, CBC401
AHT product Shelf CSD, CEB 990028 CSD Range & CEB300C/F
AHT product Shelf 900 852614 CRS990
AHT product Shelf 1250 852615 CRS1250
AHT product Shelf 1875 852616 CRS1875
AHT product Shelf 2500 852617 CRS2500
AHT product Shelf CNF430 4420111973000 CNF430
AHT product Shelf CNF500 4420113229000 CNF500
AHT product Shelf Chilly 996075 CEB30C/F
AHT product Shelf CBC500 4420111916000 CBC500
AHT product Shelf CMS Bracket FT0067 CMS Range
AHT product Shelf 600F 765191-CA CBC600
AHT product Shelf 800F 765192-CA CBC800
AHT product Shelf 600G 765096 CBC600
AHT product Shelf 800G 765095 CBC800
AHT product ShelfL/H 1100 4420117648000 CNF1100, CBC1100H
AHT product ShelfR/H 1100 4420117647000 CNF1100, CBC1100H
AHT product Shelf Wine 491, 901, 1351 102658 CBB491, CBB901, CBB1351
AHT product Shelf Wine 601 102657 CBB601
AHT product Shelf Wine 267 2650 WINE SHELF CBB267
AHT product Shelf Wine 420 3500 WINE SHELF CBB420
AHT product Shelf 160 EV12205 CBC160
AHT product Shelf CCC, CCF XX110 CCC Range, CCF Range

Accessories and Parts

Shelf Middle CKF833644
Shelf Middle CKF833644
Shelf R/H CKF833642
Shelf R/H CKF833642
Shelf L/H CKF833643
Shelf L/H CKF833643
Top Shelf CPD945FT0127
Middle Shelf CPD945FT0128
Bottom Shelf CPD945FT0129
CPD1250RTop Shelf CPD1250FT0130
CPD1250RMiddle Shelf CPD1250FT0131
CPD1250RBottom Shelf CPD1250FT0132
CFC180FFShelf CFC4420113361000
Shelf CPP, CFP990026
Shelf CPP, CFP990026
Shelf CPP, CFP990026
Shelf CPP, CFP990026
CCS1408Shelf CCS, CFS990230
CFS658Shelf CCS, CFS990230
CCS658Shelf CCS, CFS990230
CFS1408Shelf CCS, CFS990230
CFF658Shelf CCS, CFS990230
CFF1408Shelf CCS, CFS990230
CCS1408Shelf S/Steel CCS, CFS990027
CFS658Shelf S/Steel CCS, CFS990027
CCS658Shelf S/Steel CCS, CFS990027
CFS1408Shelf S/Steel CCS, CFS990027
CFF658Shelf S/Steel CCS, CFS990027
CFF1408Shelf S/Steel CCS, CFS990027
CFS572Shelf CCS, CFS, 572, 1232990037
CCS572Shelf CCS, CFS, 572, 1232990037
CCS1232Shelf CCS, CFS, 572, 1232990037
CFS1232Shelf CCS, CFS, 572, 1232990037
Shelf CSC-CUF20301
Shelf CSC-CUF20301
Shelf CSC-CUF20301
Shelf CSC-CUF20301
Shelf CSC-CUF20301
Shelf CSC-CUF20301
Shelf CSC-CUF20301
Shelf CSC-CUF20301
Shelf CSC-CUF20301
Shelves CFPXX108
Shelves CFPXX108
Shelves CFPXX108
Shelf CIC125 Large117718
Shelf CIC125 Small117719
Shelf CIF125 Small117754
Shelf CIF125 Large117753
Shelf CIF45 Small1.17589
Shelf CIF45 Large1.17588
CBS600Shelf Wine CBS600EV4714
CBS900Shelf Wine CBS900EV4595
CBS900SShelf Wine CBS900EV4595
Shelf CBC390/400/401765208-CA
Shelf CBC390/400/401765208-CA
AHT400Shelf CBC390/400/401765208-CA
Shelf Gravity CBC400/401765087
AHT400Shelf Gravity CBC400/401765087
Shelf Wine CBC390/400/401765229-CA
Shelf Wine CBC390/400/401765229-CA
AHT400Shelf Wine CBC390/400/401765229-CA
AHT600SShelf Close Wire CBC600S765203
AHT800SShelf Close Wire CBC800S765204
Shelf CSD, CEB990028
Shelf CSD, CEB990028
Shelf CSD, CEB990028
Shelf CSD, CEB990028
Shelf 900852614
Shelf 1250852615
Shelf 1875852616
Shelf 2500852617
FR 400 NVShelf CNF4304420111973000
FR 500 NVShelf CNF5004420113229000
BF030 AFShelf Chilly996075
Shelf CBC5004420111916000
Shelf CBC5004420111916000
Shelf CMS BracketFT0067
Shelf CMS BracketFT0067
Shelf CMS BracketFT0067
Shelf CMS BracketFT0067
CMS120Shelf CMS BracketFT0067
CMS60Shelf CMS BracketFT0067
CMS90Shelf CMS BracketFT0067
CMS180Shelf CMS BracketFT0067
Shelf 600F765191-CA
AHT600SShelf 600F765191-CA
Shelf 800F765192-CA
AHT800SShelf 800F765192-CA
Shelf 600G765096
AHT600SShelf 600G765096
Shelf 800G765095
AHT800SShelf 800G765095
ShelfL/H 11004420117648000
FR 1100 NVShelfL/H 11004420117648000
ShelfR/H 11004420117647000
FR 1100 NVShelfR/H 11004420117647000
Shelf Wine 491, 901, 1351102658
Shelf Wine 491, 901, 1351102658
Shelf Wine 491, 901, 1351102658
Shelf Wine 491, 901, 1351102658
Shelf Wine 491, 901, 1351102658
Shelf Wine 491, 901, 1351102658
Shelf Wine 601102657
Shelf Wine 601102657
Shelf Wine 2672650 WINE SHELF
Shelf Wine 4203500 WINE SHELF
CBC160Shelf 160EV12205
Shelf CCC, CCFXX110
Shelf CCC, CCFXX110
Shelf CCC, CCFXX110
Shelf CCC, CCFXX110