Call 01254 888108

BIG SAVINGS on refrigeration equipment and refrigeration spare parts.

Serve Over Canopies

Serve Over Canopies
Serve Over Canopies are available for the CSU, CSS and CGS range AHT & Caravell products.

If you have any queries relating to Caravell Accessories, please call 01254 888108.
Serve Over Canopy 206998140-CA --Please call
Serve Over Canopy 306998341-CA --Please call
Serve Over Canopy 406998142 --Please call
Serve Over Canopy 506998143 --Please call
Serve Over Canopy 606998144 --Please call
Serve Over Canopy 225998330 --Please call
Serve Over Canopy 335998131-CA --Please call
Serve Over Canopy 44599813 --Please call
Serve Over Canopy 535998133-CA --Please call
Serve Over Canopy 635998134--Please call

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Technical Specifications

Name Code Product
AHT product Serve Over Canopy 206 998140-CA CSU206C
AHT product Serve Over Canopy 306 998341-CA CSU306C
AHT product Serve Over Canopy 406 998142 CSU406C
AHT product Serve Over Canopy 506 998143 CSU506C
AHT product Serve Over Canopy 606 998144 CSU606C
AHT product Serve Over Canopy 225 998330 CGS225, CSS225
AHT product Serve Over Canopy 335 998131-CA CGS335, CSS335
AHT product Serve Over Canopy 445 998132 CGS445, CSS445
AHT product Serve Over Canopy 535 998133-CA CGS535, CSS535
AHT product Serve Over Canopy 635 998134 CGS635, CSS635

Accessories and Parts

Serve Over Canopy 206998140-CA
Serve Over Canopy 306998341-CA
Serve Over Canopy 406998142
Serve Over Canopy 506998143
Serve Over Canopy 606998144
Serve Over Canopy 225998330
Serve Over Canopy 225998330
Serve Over Canopy 335998131-CA
Serve Over Canopy 335998131-CA
Serve Over Canopy 445998132
Serve Over Canopy 445998132
Serve Over Canopy 535998133-CA
Serve Over Canopy 535998133-CA
Serve Over Canopy 635998134
Serve Over Canopy 635998134