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BIG SAVINGS on refrigeration equipment and refrigeration spare parts.

Mirror Kit

Mirror Kit
Mirror Kits are available for a range of AHT & Caravell products.

If you have any queries relating to Caravell Accessories, please call 01254 888108.
Mirror Kit CMD101/201 --Please call
Mirror Kit CMD131/261--Please call

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Technical Specifications

Name Code Product
AHT product Mirror Kit CMD101/201 BXC50.4001 CMD101/201
AHT product Mirror Kit CMD131/261 BXC50.4002 CMD131/261

Accessories and Parts

CMD201MTMirror Kit CMD101/201BXC50.4001
CMD201Mirror Kit CMD101/201BXC50.4001
CMD101Mirror Kit CMD101/201BXC50.4001
CMD101MTMirror Kit CMD101/201BXC50.4001
CMD131MTMirror Kit CMD131/261BXC50.4002
CMD131Mirror Kit CMD131/261BXC50.4002
CMD261Mirror Kit CMD131/261BXC50.4002
CMD261MTMirror Kit CMD131/261BXC50.4002